
BrandCasts YouTube event

Node.jsPM2MongoDBYouTube APIVideo Processing

I developed a cloud-based Node.js application for a large-scale YouTube event, where interactive stalls challenged users with YouTube tasks. At these stalls, users performed challenges which were recorded and, saved under each registered user, uploaded to YouTube, and then shared with users via email, including a playlist of their recorded challenges.

To ensure scalability, I designed the solution with an event-driven architecture on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). When a user finished recording, the video was uploaded to Google Cloud Storage, triggering a Cloud Function to handle media processing. The function ensured the video was properly formatted and prepared for upload to YouTube.

Once processing was complete, the Cloud Function called the YouTube Data API to upload the video directly to the user’s YouTube account and automatically organize it into a playlist of their recorded challenges. To manage the different stages of the workflow, I used Pub/Sub, GCP’s event-driven messaging system, to coordinate the video uploads, processing tasks, and notifications.

This architecture ensured that the system could handle high traffic and large video uploads without bottlenecks. By using GCP’s serverless offerings, the app scaled efficiently while only consuming resources as needed, reducing costs and improving reliability. The event-driven approach also allowed for smooth automation, ensuring that each user received an email with their playlist once the upload was complete.